Well, time goes very fast. Cant believe it was one year ago when I posted here the last photo.
sh 2.jpg
I have worked a bit more in my Sherman. Logs on the sides, real sandbags in the front, some more details here and there, I added a smoke machine, and the most important part, I threw away the tamiya electronics and installed an ASP 2.
I am in my 383.342.548 forum fight of ASP2 VS the world, so I had to do two quick videos showing some of the board features. I will make a better video in the garden soon. Hope it snows next month
The first video is for showing how easy was to change the current to the motors. A colegue thought that it was not possible.
I love the start sound in the first video.
Kevin will notice that I did custom sounds (well, I only need to make my own warm start)